Home Renting the Moon for a Party Theory and Practice

Theory and Practice

Throw a ball, swing a bat;
Shoo a fly, swat a gnat;
Take a swig, stir a vat:
Theory thin, practice fat.

Wait for bliss, sit on mat:
Dicta this, dogma that.

On the dock, smell a rat,
Gangster gun, gunsel gat,
In the dark, swing a sap;

In the dock — in the trap —
Lawyer writ — story pat —
Give a shit, take a crap,
Keep your wits: Take the rap.

Quantum cogs;
Pixels flat;
Ciphers log robots’ chat;
Photons to eyeballs at:
Abstract dog, abstract cat.

On the dock” versus “In the dock” – “On” the dock means on a wharf. “In” the dock means in the place where the prisoner sits or stands in a criminal court.