Home Beyond the Notation Geography Lesson

Geography Lesson

It’s never just some river or other,
But always one particular scene
Instantly lit; leap the edge to uncover
At every depth another in-between.

Consider then a general theoretical river —
Some headland oxygenless and platonic
That lacks the descent coruscant, embroiling, vivider,
That makes a flow antagonist to a mnemonic.

Refer to the charity of orienteering
That fixes of an orient the glow antique —
A blueness in the distance that you seek
In time to encompass fearful and endearing.

Coruscant – (Pronounced ko-RUS-kant)  Glittering.

An orient – A pearl of great luster; other uncommon meanings are also connoted, such as 1) a direction toward sunrise, and 2) orient blue (a particular shade of blue). Usually this noun is capitalized as “the Orient” and means the East or the countries of Asia.

to encompass fearful and endearing – Here adjectives are used as nouns meaning “that which is fearful and endearing” or “those who are fearful and endearing”; “fearful” in the first instance means “causing fear” and in the second “afraid.”