Your shoes imprinted by the trail,
Like water itself worn by abrasive
Grains that saturate, the stones engrail —
Concave, convex, the carver and carved trade places.
A rill is never merely; a groove is a mere;
The vernier light’s so superimposed that scenes
Stand ranked in the gradation of ravines,
And dunes whose scale the sea’s vast curvature effaces
Still mark their expanse on increments of a sphere.
Engrail – To ornament around the edge with an indented pattern or dots.
Mere – (Rhymes with “year”) A boundary line; a sheet of standing water; a pool; a marsh.
Vernier – (Pronounced VUR-nee-ur) An auxiliary, finely graduated scale for exact measurements, named for French mathematician and inventor Pierre Vernier (1580-1637). (His name is pronounced approximately ver-NYAA, rhymes with “play”.)