Home Unpublished Roman Numerals

Roman Numerals

Roman numerals, like out-of-work actors,
Stand out at the exhibits with an aura
As gilt emploi depends on the oracular’s
Rustling of leaves, the future fans’ euphoria.

Lightly incised precision reassures:
This numeral of Rome has served illuminati —
Confessors, exhibitionists, voyeurs
Conferred on him the role, whether or not he
Read beyond a lapidary trial;
The style is the man, and cardinal the style.

Tombstones in a bog of ceremonies and deaths,
Leaning exemplars list in disuse, in prison,
Irretrievable to mark the years unless
Counting on fingers pass for stateliness
Or lines be honed, calligrapher arisen.

Emploi – (Pronounced am-pluá) Typecasting of an actor, role specialization.

Rustling of leaves – A form of oracle in ancient Greece.

Illuminati – Persons who are, or who claim to be, unusually enlightened.

The style is the man – A proverbial saying based on a statement by the French naturalist,
Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707 – 1788), “Le style c’est l’homme même.”

Cardinal – Here a play on two meanings: 1) of basic importance; and 2) a number used to indicate quantity but not order, viz., 1, 2, 3 as opposed to first, second, third.

List – Here a play on two meanings: 1) to enumerate; and 2) to tilt to one side.

Unless…counting pass…or lines be – The verbs in the subjunctive mood suggest old-fashioned
or obsolete usage.